San Marcos Quail Valley

Abeja is a curiously-difficult rural pond to find. 
My navigation system, even when supplied with the name and the coordinates,
failed several times. I drove 20 miles searching up and down in the hills 
(and found other ponds in the process). Sadly, Abeja was dry!

It was worth the effort on this beautiful winter day
when I finally found Quail Valley pond (below Abeja)
 sparkling in the sunlight:

There is a trail along one side, which goes up the canyon to the dry Abeja Pond. 

The stiff breeze was easy to tolerate when in the sun, but in the shade it was quite cool.
It rippled the water but didn’t ruffle the ducks.


PS -- a murky (almost-no-longer) pond I spotted while looking for other ponds.