Fallbrook Los Jilgueros

In case you are wondering, 
means Goldfinch (the bird).
I neither saw nor heard any goldfinches...
however please start the video

This pond was a treat! 
I was completely surprised when I found the tiny driveway
into the Los Jigueros Preserve and heard frogs everywhere!

I can almost see the pond as I walk along the western edge of the preserve.

I got to the top and turned eastward.
A patch of sunlight came through the brush.
The ground there was dotted with yellow flowers.

There's a stream running - I can hear and see it, but no pond.

There's the water. Sort of.
Again I think I need a ladder!
Or a selfie stick...

Luckily I have a trail guide to save me going astray.

Not shown here are a half-dozen, loud-voiced lady walkers!

I highly recommend this little retreat space.